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About Me

Hi I'm Chris! I'm a reverse engineer and vulnerability researcher. My interests lie largely in systems exploitation, and I have worked on everything from embedded systems to wide-reaching enterprise solutions. I graduated from the University of Michigan with a Bachelor's in Computer Science in 2022 and am currently pursuing my Master's in Cybersecurity at Georgia Tech. At Keysight I helped design the VSCode plugin for ADS's scripting language (AEL) and have spent the last two years at Caesar Creek Software performing classified cyber research and development. I am regularly present in the WolvSec discord, although I don't participate as much in CTFs anymore. I am a big Yankees fan and, with the exception of baseball, generally follow Detroit sports. I am also a German citizen and travel to Europe frequently to visit family. Feel free to check out my github to see what kind of software I am interested in right now. I will try to keep copies of any source code referenced on this site up there as well. This website is a member of the nojs-club.

Blog Posts

I will likely be writing up any number of things I find interesting, noteworthy, or just plain useful. I am a forgetful person, and this will serve both as a set of notes for myself and as a resource for others.

Ahead of Time Compiling of HolyC

Fork vs VFork

CTF Writeups


Contact Info

I can be reached via my LinkedIn or via email.